
Most of the software codes and scripts developed by the Huang lab are available on our GitHub page.

Other software includes:
Compressed Sensing for STORM
(L. Zhu, W. Zhang, D. Elnatan, B. Huang, "Faster STORM using compressed sensing", Nat Methods, 9, 721-723 (2012))

Drift correction for STORM
(Y. Wang, J. Schnitzbauer, Z. Hu, X. Li, Y. Chen, Z. Huang and B. Huang, "Localization events-based sample drift correction for localization microscopy with redundant cross-correlation algorithm", Opt. Express, 22, 15982-15991 (2014))


We have deposited plasmids from our lab at AddGene.

Note that AddGene is unable to deliver dCas9-GFP in the Tet-On 3G system due to licensing issues. Therefore, we have deposited a template plasmid for cloning into inducible expressions that can be obtained from commercial or academic channels.

Certain plasmids are not deliverable through AddGene due to licensing issues. Please contact the lab and we are happy to send these plasmids directly.

Cell Lines

Although we have generated a large number of gene edited cell lines, we are not maintaining all of them because of the extensive resources required to do so. If there is a specific need, please contact us and we will try our best to help.

Huang Lab | UCSF Mission Bay Campus | Byers Hall 304 | 1700 4th St, MC 2532, San Francisco, CA 94143 | Fax: (415) 514-1028

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